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Secrets of Elon Musk

The world's richest man, who has no home on earth, wants to set up a colony on Mars

Elon Musk, the world's richest man, offered to buy Twitter on Thursday. For this, he is ready to pay Rs 3.20 lakh crore in cash at the rate of $ 54.20 per share. Now whether Twitter will sell or not, but this offer has once again brought Elon Musk into the limelight.

We are here to dive into the life of Elon Musk with some interesting facts. Many of these things will be such that you may already know, but there will also be many such things about which very few people know. Let us know the story of a person who has no home on earth, but wants to establish a colony on Mars.

First of all those things of Elon Musk, which you probably know...

  • Elon Musk's mother was American and father was South African. He was born on 28 June 1971 in the city of Pretoria, South Africa.
  • At the age of 12, Elon Musk created a video game and then sold it to a magazine for $500. The name of the space fighting game was Blaster.
  • Musk started a software company named Zip 2 along with his brother Kimble. Later it was also sold to COMPAQ company for $22 million.
  • Elon Musk started in 1999 with an investment of $10 million. It later merged with a company named Confinity. Which later became PayPal.

In 2002, eBay bought PayPal for $1.5 billion, of which Musk's share was $165 million

After this Musk started working on the techniques of space research. His same program was named 'Space-X', which said that 'human beings will be able to live on other planets in the coming time'.

In 2004, Elon Musk founded the electric car company Tesla and said, 'Everything will be electric in the future, including rockets going to space, and Tesla will play an important role in bringing this change.'

Now some such things of Elon Musk, about which not many people know ...

Elon Musk tweeted in December 2016 – Traffic is driving me crazy. I'm about to build a tunnel boring machine and start digging. The same day he got The Boring Company registered. He also built a prototype of the Underground Tunnel in 2018. He also made a machine to extinguish the Boring Company's fire and jokingly sold 20,000 units.

Elon Musk wants to establish a self-sustaining colony of humans on Mars. They say that due to nuclear war or the collision of an asteroid, the existence of the Earth will be in danger. In such a situation, the most suitable planet for us is Mars. By this humans can avert their destruction. In September 2016, Musk has also explained his plans and technical aspects in detail. According to Musk, a SpaceX rocket could go to Mars by 2022. By 2050, there will be a self-sustaining human settlement.

We can only think about connecting the human brain to the computer, but Elon Musk has started developing a machine through Neuralink, which will connect the human brain to the computer. Given Allen's track record, this possibility cannot be ruled out.

Elon Musk acquired Solar City from his cousin in 2016. After this he is doing innovations on solar tiles. That is, the roof and walls of your house will be such, which will generate power from the sun.

In May 2018, Elon Musk tweeted that I was going to start a candy company. Then he said that I am very serious about this. After that he started Boring Candy. This candy can be taken to space.

Now finally we know where Elon Musk lives after selling all his luxurious houses

In 2020, Elon Musk said on Twitter that he is reducing the grandeur of his life and will no longer have a home with him. In just one year, he sold all his 7 luxurious mansions. According to a report in Forbes, he lives in a rented house of 20x20. This house has been built by a housing startup named Boxabl. This house is foldable and can be transported.

In one of his interviews, Elon Musk had told that there was a time in his life when he had to borrow money from friends for his expenses. Aren't they afraid of going bankrupt? On this question, Elon Musk said – What would have happened at most, if my children had to go to a government school, then what would be the big deal in this, I myself have studied in a government school. This answer of Elon Musk is enough to tell his personality.
